Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Who is eligible to apply to the MSc program?
A: We welcome applications from students who have, or expect to have, completed a relevant Bachelors degree with an above-average grade by the end of the academic year preceding the desired semester of entry. Degree subjects should generally be focussed on some aspect of biological sciences, but students with other relevant degrees, for example in chemistry or physics, may be considered as well.
Q: How can I apply to the program?
A: Applications have to be submitted to the central university administration. Detailed information on the application procedure can be found here on the site of the Faculty of Biosciences.
Q: Which deadlines do I have to obey?
A: The application deadline is 15 March, every year. Your final degree certificates or appropriately certified copies must be presented by the day of your enrollment.
Q: May I apply to more than one Major?
A: Yes, when you apply you will be expected to name your preferred Major, and to give a second choice. The numbers of places available in each Major are limited.
Q: How are candidates selected?
A: Applications will be reviewed by a committee of scientists participating in the MCB Major. Candidates will be selected according to the following criteria: academic qualifications as stated in the application documents and the candidates´ statement of purpose. Additional criteria, such as e.g. GRE scores, could also be taken into account. Short listed candidates will be interviewed, either in Heidelberg or Skype.
Q: Do I have to pay application fees?
A: No. The handling of the applications is free of charge.
Q: Do I need to submit a separate application in addition to the application for the MSc/PhD program Molecular Bioscience?
A: No. There is only one application to the program that includes all Majors. However, the Major Molecular and Cellular Biology requests additional documents. Please read the instructions for admission on our website.
Q: Whom do I contact if I like to know the status of my application?
A: After closing of the application gateway you can follow in which phase the process is by checking this website.
Q: Do I need to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)?
A: If your native language is not English, proof of an adequate command of English is required for admission. Proof can be provided by one of the following means: a) TOEFL (www.TOEFL.org). Score requirements: Paper based: 570+, Computer based: 230+, Internet based: 90+ (The University of Heidelberg does not have an Institution code.) b) IELTS (www.ielts.org). Score requirements: band 6.5+ c) a Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE ) d) a certificate from the Faculty of Biosciences of the University of Heidelberg based on a Bachelor Thesis written in English e) an Interview conducted in English with a member of the MCB selection committee.
Q: Does the University have an Institution code to which the TOEFL results can be sent?
A: No. The University of Heidelberg does not have an Institution code.
Q: What expenses do I have to cover?
A: Please see the "Expenses and funding" section.
Q: Can I apply for a scholarship to the MCB program?
A: Yes. A limited number of dedicated stipends may also be available for this program. Students who need financial support are encouraged to apply to relevant agencies, such as the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst.
Q: Do I have to apply for scholarships prior to sending the application or am I eligible for scholarships once I am selected for the program?
A: Add a statement to your application explaining why you need financial support. Provide proof that you and your familiy are not able to cover the expenses of the program and that you have no possibility to obtain financial support from other sources, e.g. by raising a credit etc.
Q: I want to pursue my MSc degree in Heidelberg but was already admitted to another University in Germany. Is it possible to accept their admittance and turn it down in the case of being accepted by the Heidelberg MSc program?
A: Yes. Accepting a place in Germany comes with no legal obligation. So you can accept several different offers, and keep them all in hand until the time that you have to start dealing with visa applications.