Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Open positions in the Duarte Campos Lab

The laboratory of Prof. Dr. Daniela Duarte Campos at the Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH) is seeking a

 PhD student – Optogenetic iPSC culture for cardiac tissue engineering (f/m/d)

For participating in the ERC Starting Grant LIGHTHEART focused on the development of a new in vivo bioprinting technology to fabricate human cardiac muscle directly at the operating room.
Heart failure remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide taking an estimate of 16 million lives each year. Cardiac tissue engineering solutions that can improve the quality of life of those with advanced heart disease have proved challenging so far. Bioprinting is an exciting technology that holds promise to fabricate tissues and organs. Lab-grown engineered cardiac muscle requires at least four weeks to maturate in a bioreactor. In LIGHTHEART, an off-the-shelf solution will be developed for treating injured myocardium in vivo. An unconventional combination of bioprinting and optogenetics will be used to surgically fabricate engineered cardiac muscle directly at the patient’s heart.

The Bioprinting Lab investigates biofabrication technologies and biomaterials suitable for in vivo and in vitro tissue and organ engineering, and their impact on the structure and function of natural and synthetic living tissues.

Your task will be to establish and optimize culture protocols of human pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, as well as to analyse and characterize the expression of light-sensitive proteins. The work will involve a variety of techniques including but not limited to:

  • 2D and 3D cell culture
  • Molecular methods in 3D cell culture (CRISPR/Cas9, DNA/RNA arrays, qPCR, Western Blot, etc)
  • Histology, immunochemical staining and imaging
  • Flow cytometry, FACS

Your profile:

  • Master degree in Biology or Biotechnology
  • Experience in human cell culture is mandatory
  • Experience in iPSC and/or cardiomyocyte cell culture is a plus
  • Experience with optogenetics is a plus
  • Experience in 3D cell culture is a plus
  • Excellent achievements and English language skills
  • Motivation to work in an international environment as part of a team

We offer an international and attractive work environment in the Bioprinting Lab at the ZMBH. The salary is based on the TV-L scale (E13). The position is to be filled in with 25,675 hours/week (65%) for two years, with the possibility of extension. The position is available to start in September 2024.

Applications should be sent to Prof. Daniela Duarte Campos ( in a single PDF-file that includes a letter of motivation, CV, copy of transcripts and name of 2-3 referees. We ask for your understanding that application documents received by post will not be returned.


Closing date for applications: July 31, 2024


Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Disabled persons will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Information on the application process and the collection of personal data is available at