University of Heidelberg

ZMBH - Central Services - Imaging Facility - Programs


ImageJ (or Fiji) macros extend the functionality of this common image analysis program and adapt it to specific problems. We have developed many ImageJ macros in the course of (2D and 3D) analyses of cellular structures and processes. The modular cores of the macros can be used (with little or no changes) as part of other programs. These macros use either Demo data or users' own data.
We also use the program UCSF Chimera and develop scripts (or Python codes) for cell biological applications. We also develop HTML/Javascript/CSS codes to create Web3D programs to analyze/visualize our 3D data.
You can check out some of these programs using the links below. Should you have any question or comment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

2D Macros

3D Macros

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